
Daily research_human perception of image is not" flat"

This video is a fun-making music video from koji Morimoto's animation work
I picked up the video is to proof the evidence that audience can get the huge information by 2d image. even the music, melody,rhythm, and kinesthesia. I just image the human perception as a searching unit, it will extend and  filled with the main subject in animation.and enjoy the each  feeling of the property.

Simply speaking, how much feeling the audience got is depended on how much properties of the subject.I think thinking in the way can develop the quality of 2d animation.

Inspired by the article"Herder’s treatment of our response to three-dimensional sculpture with a kind of ‘inner
sense.’ His goal is to explain how audiences experience certain felt qualities of movementduring dance performances, with implications for how other art forms such as architecture
also can activate non-visual responses, including a haptic sense of engagement with space." "Movement for Movement’s Sake? On the Relationship between Kinaesthesia and Aesthetics” surveys a vast sweep of historical and contemporary views on the so-called “inner” senses, including in particular kinaesthesia"."“sensory fluidity. This is a basic ability, exploited by artists and evoking appropriate responses from audiences, to integrate experiences from different perceptual origins. It employs embodied patterns of memory to move across time periods, and draws upon intersubjective patterns to promote sharing of affective experience.".  "there is a very real sense in which an expressive bodily gesture can look like music sounds." "filmmaker Gus Van Sant. His films, including Elephant and Gerry, explore relationships among camera movement, narrative, character identity, and audience emotions in complex ways. Rocha describes the neural and physiological evidence relevant to explaining how images and sounds can provide us with access to the multisensory realm"." artists can
explore and communicate imagination through a variety of media such as literature and music." 

Above all , one word is supposed to be"cross-moda perception"!

Refrence Freeland, Cynthia (2012) "Aesthetics and the Senses: Introduction," Essays in Philosophy: Vol. 13: Iss. 2, Article 1.

