I made these moving picture, I want to demonstrate a kind of "city life" ,mood ,and emotion , by using the lighting and haze, and color ,elements , simpolics.
Project 3 Use lighting and shadow contact with mood and ahotomesphere
lighting work concept
What I want to do is to demonstrate the mood with not too dark color .
concept is a city life . I want to express some high pressure feeling ,and maybe similar to the japanese animation " the last vampireand" , and the very moving and touching picture from the PS2 game"journey"
I think the color in these scenery is try to demonstrate a mystery and unknown urban space.and also with tension.
and the moving picture from "journey"
I think this work is an successful example to demonstrate the kind of mood and emotion which with tragic and hopeful just with no high contract color.
PROJECT 2 place in mind
the test combines two kinds of aesthetics. photo texture and motion graphic. as teacher's suggestion, I blur the camera side to let view point be clear.
Project 2_ Place in mind
The final look is combines a lot of photos , and I named it as " dystopai" which is the oppiste to the utopai, the image is a big city has a unknow background . center control.theme is dark city, with high rate crime.
Daily research_human perception of image is not" flat"
This video is a fun-making music video from koji Morimoto's animation work
I picked up the video is to proof the evidence that audience can get the huge information by 2d image. even the music, melody,rhythm, and kinesthesia. I just image the human perception as a searching unit, it will extend and filled with the main subject in animation.and enjoy the each feeling of the property.
Simply speaking, how much feeling the audience got is depended on how much properties of the subject.I think thinking in the way can develop the quality of 2d animation.
Inspired by the article"Herder’s treatment of our response to three-dimensional sculpture with a kind of ‘inner
sense.’ His goal is to explain how audiences experience certain felt qualities of movementduring dance performances, with implications for how other art forms such as architecture
also can activate non-visual responses, including a haptic sense of engagement with space." "Movement for Movement’s Sake? On the Relationship between Kinaesthesia and Aesthetics” surveys a vast sweep of historical and contemporary views on the so-called “inner” senses, including in particular kinaesthesia"."“sensory fluidity. This is a basic ability, exploited by artists and evoking appropriate responses from audiences, to integrate experiences from different perceptual origins. It employs embodied patterns of memory to move across time periods, and draws upon intersubjective patterns to promote sharing of affective experience.". "there is a very real sense in which an expressive bodily gesture can look like music sounds." "filmmaker Gus Van Sant. His films, including Elephant and Gerry, explore relationships among camera movement, narrative, character identity, and audience emotions in complex ways. Rocha describes the neural and physiological evidence relevant to explaining how images and sounds can provide us with access to the multisensory realm"." artists can
explore and communicate imagination through a variety of media such as literature and music."
Above all , one word is supposed to be"cross-moda perception"!
Daily research_Body language
it is a music video by the Chemical Brothers performing Swoon
It s beautiful body image and perfect acting is depth moving. I just readed the article <What makes motion meaningful? Affective properties of abstract motion> the sentense is"We differentiate motion from movement. Movementcomprises two semantic elements: what the moving objectimplies or affords (a waving hand is aesthetically andcommunicatively different than a waving flag, for example),and what the motion of the object suggests (e.g. waving asopposed to pointing or stabbing, bouncing as opposed tojittering). Isolating the motion from the object begs thequestion of how communicative the motion alone may be.Humans can perceive and identify emotions from sparse,abstracted animations of point-light displays" it is really good point of abstract motion graphic affect our feeling and emotion.
I want to make some meaningful abstract motion graphic , and combines the traditional animation movement with new media aesthetics. the viewpoint in the article is what I am looking for.
Project 02 the image of Visual Scenery collect
These image is collect from ENKI BILAL
and this architectural collect website http://www.geraldguyomard.com/canoma-models.htm
and this amazing comic image collect website(brilliant art and line using)http://royalboiler.wordpress.com/page/7/
He is the famous franch graphic novel artist ,his works has "created an incredibly brilliant kafkaian atmosphere".(image from the web http://boiteaoutils.blogspot.co.uk/2009/11/graphic-novels-imaginary-cities-ii.html and http://www.jahsonic.com/EnkiBilal.html and http://letsfallasleep.wordpress.com/tag/enki-bilal/ andhttp://bilal.enki.free.fr/details_oeuvre.php3?nom_oeuvre=le_sommeil_du_monstre&quelles_oeuvres=albums&special andhttp://www.tumblr.com/tagged/enki-bilal?before=1338875923
and this amazing collect websitehttp://anarchitecture.over-blog.org/photo-1611133-enki-bilal-architecture_jpg.htmland this architectural collect website http://www.geraldguyomard.com/canoma-models.htm
and this amazing comic image collect website(brilliant art and line using)http://royalboiler.wordpress.com/page/7/
Media discourse_ Some thoughts
(1)_The practice , process of image delivery. I got a very strong impression on this game we made on class. two people , one back to blackboard, he need draw; the other one watched what teacher drawing ,and make sure what you get is correct information telling to the drawer. the teacher drawing.chat1. the final result ,chat 2.
chart 1
chart 2
What I thinking is the process of information delivery is quit hard. "The information is changed by the media form", I am the teller, may because the language missing and noise, the result is difficult to relavent to the original picture.the result remind me the one original pure information is delivery and spread in many different channel, this situation lead to the different vision of one simple concept.
The class is media discourse, understand media, writer is Macluhan.
Project 1 Red Chase Blue Feed back
Today’s tuition for the "30 sec practice animation/one week". Our Martin pointed that "in the shot 04,the running charactors locked in that shot".This situation breaked the attention of audience. and the action in shot 04 is shit! hahaha, yes ,I should make the movement more exaggerate to show the strong emotion and feeling in shot 04. and Martin pointed that "shot 05 is good contact with shot 06 with the color turnning ". I quit like shot 05 the fish eye,and shot 07 may add color on the character body .
Martin said the shot 08 need animate the foot , and the blue guy should not floating on the camera. the abstract door is a kind of confusion.I need more reference and research on Graphic design .in the end , shot 09 and shot 10 unfinished because the time no left.
Above all, the project 1 is successful on those shots I focus on . and "What I gonna to do" is do more research on Graphic Aesthetics, Exaggerate figure movement,and the audience"feeling" , their emotion changing , and "attention" in storyboard design.
I will soon upload the project 1 Gif vision.
Martin said the shot 08 need animate the foot , and the blue guy should not floating on the camera. the abstract door is a kind of confusion.I need more reference and research on Graphic design .in the end , shot 09 and shot 10 unfinished because the time no left.
Above all, the project 1 is successful on those shots I focus on . and "What I gonna to do" is do more research on Graphic Aesthetics, Exaggerate figure movement,and the audience"feeling" , their emotion changing , and "attention" in storyboard design.
I will soon upload the project 1 Gif vision.
shot 09 aesthetics problem
for the shot 09 , I just not quiet sure how to make the color point looks good,and how the add a kind of aesthetics to improve the power of the graphic. the image is make to certain the movement pathway of the two color point.
Popular culture depend on the internet
PLAYBOY: Are you talking about global telepathy?
MCLUHAN: Precisely. Already, computers offer the potential of instantaneous translation of any code or language into any other code or language. If a data feedback is possible through the computer, why not a feed-forward of thought whereby a world consciousness links into a world computer? Via the computer, we could logically proceed from translating languages to bypassing them entirely in favor of an integral cosmic unconsciousness somewhat similar to the collective unconscious envisioned by Bergson. The computer thus holds out the promise of a technologically engendered state of universal understanding and unity, a state of absorption in the logos that could knit mankind into one family and create a perpetuity of collective harmony and peace. This is the real use of the computer, not to expedite marketing or solve technical problems but to speed the process of discovery and orchestrate terrestrial--and eventually galactic--environments and energies. Psychic communal integration, made possible at last by the electronic media, could create the universality of consciousness foreseen by Dante when he predicted that men would continue as no more than broken fragments until they were unified into an inclusive consciousness. In a Christian sense, this is merely a new interpretation of the mystical body of Christ; and Christ, after all, is the ultimate extension of man.
the text is from an interview palyboy to macluhan. I got inspired by the word"Global telepathy". the internet is the extension of central nevous system. nowdays , when a art form appear, all global artist follow it.pop culture became globle experience. a popular japanese manga could be sold to gloal market.and people makes feedback on internet, share their discoveries.for making popular stuff,I need understand the popular culture and its pathway.
When environment changed , Art changed.
"man is only consciously aware of the environment that has preceded it; in other words, an environment becomes fully visible only when it has been superseded by a new environment; thus we are always one step behind in our view of the world. Because we are benumbed by any new technology--which in turn creates a totally new environment--we tend to make the old environment more visible; we do so by turning it into an art form and by attaching ourselves to the objects and atmosphere that characterized it, just as we've done with jazz, and as we're now doing with the garbage of the mechanical environment via pop art."-- The playboy interview to Macluhan.
This sentence inspired me that the changes of environment is visitationed by new style art form. Art form is a kind of "test paper" for man's perception.Such as new age music.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioIO1BZfyvs&feature=related
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