it is a artist work by IKEDA MANABU.
Ikeda Manabu, the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, and Disaster/Nuclear Art in Japan
池田学、2011年東日本大震災、そして災害と放射能に関する美術 - See more at:
Ikeda Manabu, the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, and Disaster/Nuclear Art in Japan
池田学、2011年東日本大震災、そして災害と放射能に関する美術 - See more at:

the running style is very designed feeling. and it is strong impact. powerful run. I just throught if any short can be a more strong and designed bodymove animaiton.
this short is similar like my sc-1213 short. the wood crashed as a exploration.just for visual impact.
the last short for Pupa ,i want make it like this short.
the short is good to have bodymove with the background level move.
the short has both clean animation and rough animation. for make the visual impact of high speed . I think I need to make the sc-1213 short like this.
the short remind me that some element of character can out from camera to give a strong impact. and camera can follow it .
These researches burn my dead mind. ha-ha . I cannot ignore the time is less, but also I need to keep the passion of high visual achrvement.